Couples Massage Has Been Really Popular!

Eadweard Muybridge's phenakistoscope "A C...
Image via Wikipedia

Hi all!

Things have been really picking up for me since I moved into my new studio apartment and have been able to provide incall services. I have gone out a couple times but mostly I’ve had some really awesome people coming to see me. As for couples massages, I have been getting a ton of calls! I love it. I made a new vision board and I put a bunch of happy smiling faces of couples on it because I LOVE working with couples. I even have an appointment coming up with a gent and his wife that he doesn’t know if she wants it to be sensual or not so I get to feel her out to see if she’ll let me feel her up hahahaha. Really, what a treat! I can’t wait to see how it goes.

Business is booming and I am looking for all kinds of help so if you or anyone you know would like to volunteer/work with me here are some of the things I’m looking for:

  • An article writer: I have a lot of content I share in my videos and audios. I would love that content to be repurposed for use on my blogs and article directories.
  • Online Business Management: I am losing track of all my emails and different projects. I could use someone to help me manage all of that.
  • Various other things that can only be done by locals so email me privately if you are interested in those.

Meanwhile, I had a very fun day today:) I took some naught pictures with my girlfriend. Click here to see a sampling of them. If you want to see the naughty ones they are for sale… all 38 pics for $40. I take credit cards and paypal. All transactions show up as LV Consulting.

Have a sexy day,


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